Love Invaded

With our children, it’s always about the ‘why’. Our littles are trying to piece together the world through our answers. So, in raising kids we endure a season where every statement is followed by a question. In a way, it’s good that they trust us and are digging for deeper understanding.

I adopted five kids from foster care. And in raising these little ones, there was one moment I’ll not forget, I was explaining how babies grew in their mother’s belly. And when I further explained that it was in their natural mother’s belly, my little one responded with a sorrowful whine, ‘but I wanted to grow in your belly.’

For the most part though, the longing these children had for their natural parents was never far from the surface. Unable to understand that sometimes people just aren’t in a place where they can raise the children they love. There was a place inside them that I could touch, but never fill, not unless they chose to let me in.

We too can get stuck, focusing on what we don’t have. Thinking that we must have done something to cause life to change so abruptly. Wondering how to navigate through new situations or challenges.

I lost my husband near the end of 2021. Life for me has changed a lot since then. As I was sitting in church on Sunday, I realized I had moved out of my quiet contemplative state and was easily conversing- connecting with people again. It wasn’t that grief had disappeared, but that somehow love had invaded the void, and I was healing.

Looking back at where I had been, I imagine myself a caterpillar that out of necessity had spun a chrysalis. And for a season I had been readjusting inside. Now, breaking free. I’m outside again, airing these new wings.

And in drawing close to my Heavenly Father, I’ve allowed Him not only to touch, but to fill my empty space with Himself. I find I am stronger in many ways, and I trust that when the wind is right, He’ll point me in the best direction, and I will fly again.

Healing hugs,

Debbie G

#butterflywings #healinghearts #gettingthroughgrief #why #emptyspaces


  • Mary Lou

    Oh, Debbie, My dear husband is dying and I am encouraged to read your words. How do I go on without him? God has given me a job, taking care of Tim during his long illness. What about after? The future feels so empty. He reassures me that He has more for me in the future – it won’t be empty and that indeed it will be “rich”. Trying to hold onto this.
    Praying for God’s peace and companionship for you today 🤗❤️

    • Debbie Grimshaw

      Mary Lou, how my heart goes out to you. I am praying that as you minister to Tim in this difficult season that you add tidbit charms to today’s memory bank while treasuring the old ones. I have photos of loving notes my husband wrote to me while intubated, and journalled about his silent laughs that made my word a bit brighter. It’s these moments of grace that help me through my hardest days. Please send me a text or a private message if you’d like to talk more. Blessings, friend. <3

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